Welcome Back!


Well hello and welcome to ObsCure 4., 5.2 or euhm… ah who gives a fuck! Welcome (back) to our new site!


So what happened?
Well as you may, or may not know, we had our last site via Blogger (= Google). We had that site for over ten years, might be more actually. Anyhoe, we provided you with funny, weird, game, fail, lame, crazy, videos and pictures. With sexy babes and even some pr0n here and there. Extreme, gory, shocking and hardcore posts, you know from the extreme sites out there. Yup, we had them too.

But we also had movies, series/shows (The Big Bang Theory, X-Files, GoT, Walking Dead and many, many more… ) and some software, download post. That’s right, we provided our visitors with the best and newest movies and series. That went great for a long time! But after ten years, uncle Google thought it was enough and on the 24th of june 2016 they deleted our site :'(
We lost about ten years of posting! No chance of getting anything back. Everything was gone with one push on a button by mr. Google. Thanks for that…

Of course that didn’t stop us! So here we are once again. It took some time, but were back! And we are on our own this time.

OCG Compilation

So what are we going to do?
Well, were done with the download posts. Can you blame us? Were done fighting the copyrights agents. We leave that to other major download sites, they’re probably much better with that anyway. Besides, we got our hands full with the copyrights agents over at Youtube. Those fuckers.
Were doing game videos, were keeping the funny, fail stuff videos and images and of course the babes and (big) boobs! Some great tunes every now and then, and more.
Because, lets be honest fellows, what else do you need beside boobs and video games!? That’s right, nothing!

If this is your first visit to our site, check out this, this and/or this video! Then you’ll understand what we are about.

So thank you very much for stopping by, explore our site and enjoy! If you come across something that doesn’t look right, if you encounter any problems or videos that don’t work, PLEASE let us know!!! The site is still very much a work in progress and not finished. We are adding (old) posts, that we can find and/or remember, every day.

If you have any questions or a brilliant idea for us, don’t hesitate to leave a reply in the comments or here! Thank you!


Category: ObsCure