Taste of Seduction #3

Taste of Seduction (v0.3)

Most games you see here on our site, are getting better over time. The creators learn more and getting more skilled. Models are getting prettier, animations are getting better and smoother and more. Sometimes they hire more people for help with the story, coding or other parts of the game.

I’m not sure I can say the same thing for ToS though. Because this update of the game is not good. Better yet, it’s just bad. The “story” doesn’t go any further. And it changed in comparison with the ending of previous episode (of course we had to start from the beginning… again! Saves didn’t work). Previous episode ended with the object for us to go check our fathers photo album in his office. Yeah, well that’s no longer there…
What did we get? Well they “improved” the sex scenes with our neighbor in the park and Olivia, the policewoman in jail. What did they improve you ask? Well they added a sex position. I’ll show you one in this video.

One of the most common reaction to the game was of course: why is nothing happening with Angelina Charlotte, our (step)mom?!
Well they finally addressed to that… in the worst way possible! I’m baffled that they did it like this.

I have a bad feeling for the future of ToS. The way they are going now is really not good. If you watched the trailer and have read what they are/were planning… Well they are nowhere near anything of that.

To make things a little better, I’ve added the Liz Katz tentacle scene I talked about on House Party.
