No More Money S01E02

No More Money

The routes (minor spoilers ahead, so stop reading if you don’t wanna know!)

Of course we skipped ahead in the game to see what difference there are in routes: We have to choose which job we’re gonna take.
Well as it turns out, it doesn’t really matter much. For know anyway.
Except for Darlene and Katrina, the events are pretty much the same. We meet the same people, under different circumstances of course. But the outcome of these encounters are the same.
For now that is.
The different routes don’t affect our family (again, for now). The same things happen with father, mother and our sister.
Why did we pick this route?
Well as said above, it doesn’t really matter which route we take. We choose Darlene first and at the end of the video you can see what happens with Katrina. But it’s basically the same.
For now I’m not certain if we choose one specific route, and which one that will be. We just have to wait and see…
