My Cute Roommate S02E06

My Cute Roommate S02E06

And the Astaros drama continues!
Now let me say upfront that I really like Astaros renders, his sexy ladies with lovely luscious big boobs are really nice. But that’s were it ends, the rest is disastrous.
My Cute Roommate 2 is getting a lot of hate on the review sites and especially this latest release. And I have to say, they’re not wrong.

First of all, the amount of bugs in this release isn’t funny anymore. I’ll show a few of them in the video.
The annoying talking Dick is still there. I couldn’t be bothered to edit him out of the video, it’s too much work. I did change his appearance a little…, but his stupid comments are still there. The lovely mini-games are still in there, that nobody likes.

And then the story. We’re going in the same direction as with his previous games. We’re “living” in a house with three sexy, blond ladies. And still no action with none of them. It’s going that way again that we’ll fuck all three ladies two or three times in a release and then two or three releases later we get: “My Cute Roommate V1.0 – Final release!” => Game Over, let’s do Girl House 2!
The story isn’t going anywhere, or at least not fast enough. Uggh damn man, take the hints that people are writing and get your shit together!
It’s so frustrating.

Anyhoo, I still hope you enjoy the video. 😁
