Girl House (V0.6 / #5)

So if you have read the description by previous part in this series…
Unfortunately things are not getting better, it is even getting worse!
Mr. Astaros3D (My Cute Cousin/Roommate) is great in creating models and all. I love how the game looks + all the girls. But coding a game…
This new version (v0.6.01) was released two or three days ago, but at the time of posting this video we already had four… that is 4!! patches/updates (v0.6.04). And still the game is a mess. It took me a long time to make this video, because of the following reasons:
Here we go:

  • Once again, old saves didn’t work, so we had to start from the beginning… again!
  • The game is buggy as hell! Multiple key-items to progress the story didn’t work. And it still is, after 4(!) updates.
  • Once again he changed the “course” of the game. That is why this took a long time to edit. Some scenes from previous versions have been deleted, others are being added.
  • He added many new tedious mechanics in the game. Mini games and just stupid “tasks” to progress.

So I’m really starting to get a love/hate relationship with this game. As said I really love how the game looks, the girls are hot AF! And the “story” is okay. But the rest… yeah…
Anyhoe, I hope you enjoy this fairly short video that took a lot of time to make.

Oh, the story? Well we have to help our favorite girl in the house, Mia. To do that we have to make a whore of the little one Lola. In the meantime we are playing with mom Vanessa.
