Girl House ENDing
Girl House V01.5 – Final – Ending.
So this came out of nowhere, the last episode of Girl House. But I guess it was to be expected. It’s Astaros3D (the creator) biggest flaw. He’s just not good in storytelling/writing.
We saw the same thing with My Cute Cousin/Roommate: He sets up a good premise, with great, beautiful, sexy babes. And then it seems he doesn’t know what to do with it. Along the way he puts in all kinds of characters and little side adventures, but the story is going nowhere. Until the point he doesn’t know what to do anymore and ends it abruptly. And that what’s happening now with Girl House again.
Both endings, from My Cute.. and Girl House are ridiculous, make no sense and I don’t like them… story wise that is.
So what now?
Well as it seems, we’re getting My Cute Roommate 2 next. And some believe he will be doing Girl House 2 after that…