My Cute Roommate S02E05

My Cute Roommate S02E05

It’s because of the art and the fact that his games are doing quite well on our site, otherwise I would have quit his games a long time ago. There are three reasons for that.
1) Astaros (the creator) has never ever released anything that didn’t include bugs. Every single release, including his previous “full games” (MCR1 & Girl House) have bugs.
2) The BIG no-no in erotic games: annoying mini games… during sex scenes! Never ever, EVER (unless your game is about that) make your sex scenes a mini game. NEVER!!
3) Well and three is the biggest fuck-up in this release of the game. I don’t know what Asstaros is thinking, maybe he wants to annoy his players, I don’t know.
Do you remember these two girls from previous game Girl House:

These two ladies were there to assist you in the game. To help you. They were okay…
Well Astaros thought it would be nice and fun to do that again this time. Only this time there are no ladies. What we got is… a talking penis. I’m not kidding.
He is not helping, he is extremely annoying and keeps popping up to make stupid -not funny- comments. Everytime a lady fills the screen it’s like “Look at those boobs!”
I’ll show him once during this video, after that we deleted his image from the game. I’ve tried to edit as much of his stupid bullshit from the video as possible. But that was not possible everywhere. So there is still some in it.
I really, really hope this was a one time thing and he removes him from future updates… but I fear the worst.

* Note: All the photo shoot images are in the slideshow at the end of the video.
