Symphony of the Serpent #2

Symphony of the Serpent (v.03083)

Story wise this update is very, very, verrrrryyy small! So don’t expect much.
So what did they do in this update?
Well for starters they added a lot of collectibles. There are all kinds of things we can find and collect to upgrade our stats. Upgrades for strength, intelligence and charisma.
They also added some new locations we can visit.
Next we have a bunch of side quests. Go here and fight a couple of goons! (also to upgrade your strength). Plus a couple of fetch quests.
Nice eh? Well all of this you wont see in the video! Well almost all, there is one fetch quest in the video. That one is so silly, I had to put it in.

Besides all this nonsense they also added some new ladie-friends for us to meet. And they are in the video. Well, and the small story update of course.
If you’re here for a walkthrough of the game, I have to disappoint you. A walkthrough of the game is one google search away, or check youtube. There is even one there.
