Sugar Daddies
Sugar Daddies episode 1, 2 and 3.
You know how progress with our daughter in Dating my Daughter goes extremely slow? Well, so did the developer of this game. So he stole the model DmD and created this. And things go a lot faster in this game. And like some other games, we have the choice here to make a complete slut of her. And that’s exactly what we do with her.
This game comes with a lot of baggage and that has mainly to do with the way the dev. is behaving. When the game first came out, he got a lot of shit from the fans of DmD.
He said this was a continuation of DmD, then when people called that unoriginal he acted butthurt, then he completely changed the direction of the game (and the appearance of Dee) and again got butthurt when not everyone approved of that.
And now he is threatening sites that leak the game with lawsuits. So to say the least, he doesn’t make himself very popular. And it shows, his patreon members are plunging down. So the future of this game is quite uncertain.
But not all is bad. The game has a lot of fans too. Many players even think Dee looks better than the one in DMD.
Okay let’s talk about the game itself.
It is the story of a group of young girls who are supported by sugar daddies. The story takes place on “Auro Digger Island.” “Auro” is the Samoan word for gold. You will play as the third party Master of Ceremonies, and make decisions for most of the characters in the game. Those decisions will directly impact the routes that the game follows. The central character is a girl named, “Dawn.”
The game looks good! The models are hot and sexy and I like the direction the game is going. The fast pace is also very much appreciated. No stupid grinding or that sorts.
Not much, there are some wrong name calls and some grammar errors.
Episode 3 – I do have some issues with episode 3 but I have to spoil some things to talk about those. So if you don’t want that watch, the video first. Hit the “Show More” button to read on!