Stellar Blade Uncensored Gameplay
Stellar Blade Uncensored Gameplay
Hey guys, here is a little uncensored Stellar Blade gameplay because.. well, I can. And because Eve looks even sexier.
After the gameplay we added some beautiful and sexy artwork of Eve.
If you’re interested in the original/uncensored Stellar Blade and want to know more, I’ll advise you to check the freestellarblade website.
Because while Grummz* (Mark Kern) is celebrating “his victory” the game is far from being uncensored! And if you ask me, Mr. Grummz is a bit of a fraud and more of an attention seeker. Anything for the clicks, if you know what I mean.
Why the site? Well because there’s way more censored in the game then you (probably) know. Things I can’t show you with this gameplay. Many more outfits have been changed in the final version of the game. And even Eve’s body! Her hips and ass have also been modified if you compare it to the trailers, demo and early builds of the game.
The freestellarblade website shows all of this. And they even show you what some of the outfits looked like on the drawing board, from the artists themselves. And I can tell you that they contain less fabric than what you see in the game!
* for those who don’t know, Grummz was the one who started the Free Stellar Blade petition.