Sensual Adventures 6: The Revelation

Sensual Adventures 6: The Revelation – pussy & anal!

We’re in a downward spiral on Sensual Adventures if you ask me, dear friends. We’re at episode 6 now and it’s not getting better. Mr. Puppet focuses too much on the unnecessary crap that comes with the package instead of the video itself, like what we saw with previous episode. If you buy this on (even worse than Affect3d) 3dxhub website, which is more down than online. You’ll get the story videos and all kinds of interactive crap that no one cares about. Well, at least I don’t, do you?
Videos you say? Yes, we’re getting an pussy and anal version.
If you want to know what all that interactive crap is, find and watch the trailer or check the screenshots below.

If it was me, lose all that extra crap and focus more on the story and scenes. Because make no mistake dear friends, while this episode lasts almost a whooping half hour, you’ll only get 2… that’s TWO real sex positions. Yeah spoiler, sorry. Yes there is some sucking and fingering but as for the real fucking… two scenes, that’s all. That was a lot better in the first episodes of SA.

And what the hell is going on with the graphics? The models too, are getting uglier the last couple of episodes. Check out the image below of Trinity, that shows her in all episodes from old to new.

So yeah guys, I don’t know what to think of this. I loved episode 1 to 4, but the last two episodes… I just hope he drops all that interactive crap and focuses more on the videos self. But that’s my opinion, maybe most people like all that interactive shit. What do you think?

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