No video showing #4 (UPDATE – sticky)


Here we go again.

27 December 2023
Every time I think we have everything back on track, something happens. And of course, something did.
Last night I discovered that a large number of videos – again – are not working. Videos that should be working!
So of course I went to investigate.
Turns out that “StreamWish”, the host we use most now, added a new rule: Free users inactive videos will be automatically deleted after 60 days.
Many hosting sites seem to have this rule now. If you want your video to stay online, you have to pay. A lot!

I’m so f#cking sick and tired of this guys. I hope you understand that I am not doing anything about this right now.
Of course we will continue to upload new videos and maybe we re-upload the offline videos in the future, I don’t know.
Right now I’m thinking of a request kinda thing. If you stumble on a video that’s not working, leave a comment and we re-upload the video or provide you with a download link. We’ll see.
So know this, all videos that have a green play button on the screen, will eventually expire!!
Any suggestions, questions or other comments, leave a comment.
That’s it for now.

Video missing/not working
Stumbled on a video that’s not working, or no video at all? That’s because we lost our video hosting sites. They went down because they lost copyright lawsuits.
We’re working on it, but it will take a lot of time! You can read more about it below.

August 5:
So I managed to find a new video hosting site. I think it’s pretty new, because not everything is working smoothly… yet. But the videos (should) work and you can download them.
Things that don’t work very well mainly have to do with uploading videos. And as you can see, the video posters don’t work. Not even when I code them in manually.

So what now?
Well because this hosting site is fairly new, we just have to wait and see how it goes. Does this one stay online?
So because of that I still am not re-uploading everything. I’m even considering of deleting game series that never finished and/or weren’t doing well on the site.
Of course we did upload something.
I’ve uploaded some videos from the main page (see below) and, because a new episode of Doll World came out, I’ve re-uploaded the whole series.
And I think that’s how we are going to work now, for the time being. A new episode comes out of game “x”, then we upload the whole series.
I just want to be a bit more confident about this hosting site before I start uploading like crazy again.

Re-uploads (as of August 5th)

  • Check the list here!!

More from the main page will be added soon. (Just for You, The Office whole series, PV: Dream scenes, Family Friends & Strangers, Croft Adventures, Apocalust and more.)

“Why not hosting your own videos?”
Some viewers asked me “Why not hosting your own videos?” Well of course that’s an option too. There are two things with that:

  1. If we were going to host ourselves then I would have to start a patreon or a paypal donation button or something like that. Because video hosting costs a lot of money and I’m not going to pay for that. ObsCure is a hobby and I’m already paying for the space and domain name of this site, and that’s more than enough already!
  2. No matter what kind of hosting you choose, space is limited. So eventually it will be full and we’ll have to start deleting videos. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But what if when you’re new to this site and you see the latest episode of the office (for example) and you think wow, that was good, I want to see the whole series. Only to find out that the first ten episodes have been removed? That sucks, right?

So you tell me, is this a good option?

That’s it for now. Thanks for your support and attention guys, it’s really appreciated!
I’ll keep you posted!

August 2:

Dear Members,
We have been honored to serve you throughout past time. We would like to sincerely apologize to all users for the recent period of time.
We have been unable to effectively handle all DMCA copyright violations. The server providers have ceased providing servers and have locked the current ones.
We have made every effort to fulfill the agreement to keep the servers operational until July 30th, 2023 (This is the end time)
Therefore, it is necessary to stop our business operations during this period.
No joy can last forever. However, no sorrow is eternal. We will come back stronger in the future.
We hope that all members will support our team in the future.
Thank You Everyone,

Another video hosting site down. Just when I thought things are going pretty good again, this happens.
The last few weeks we have transferred over 400 videos to this host. But again everything is gone.

And to be honest with you, I don’t really know what to do now.
Maybe we should just pull the plug and call it quits…?

There are a few other sites (that I know of) we can upload to. But they all have drawbacks.
They have even more ads and spam on the videos than we already had. And/or they are really slow, not only with playing a video but also with uploading and converting videos.
Or they don’t allow large file size (500 MB or 1 GB max.) which we almost only have.
And who’s to say that these sites aren’t going down soon either?

Of course we can go use one of the big sites like xvideos or spankbang. But I’d rather not, because you have their giant logos on the screen.
And uploading takes time, because after uploading and converting the video, they have to check the video to make sure nothing illegal is in it.
Plus, I can’t upload multiple videos at once. So if I wanted to upload an entire series of a game, it would take me days or even weeks.

Maybe we should just start over? Delete everything and start from scratch?

I just don’t know right now guys. I’m open to suggestions.
Do you know a good free site to upload?

I have one more video ready (Cum Detective) that I will post later today. And after that, well nothing. We need to think what were going to do…
Maybe we will post some new videos later this week, but nothing is being re-uploaded at the moment.
Again, if you have any suggestion let me know.
I’m really sorry about this guys, but there’s not much I can do about it.

There are a lot of sites where you can easy watch porn, but uploading it, not so easy…(anymore)

April 2023:
Hey guys, as you may have noticed a lot of videos are not showing on their page.
That all has to do with the fact that fembed is down. And there’s a good chance they won’t come back either.
I read somewhere that they are involved in a major copyright lawsuit.

And because most of our videos were hosted on fembed… well, you get it.
At this moment most videos of the front page should be fine. We changed most of them and are still working on those which aren’t.
But all of the older videos are not showing. That’s going to take a lot of work 😭 and time.

We need a little help from you as well. As soon as we find a reaction to a video that is not working, we will replace it as soon as possible.
Because I hope you understand that it’s impossible for us to change all the videos at once right now.

Thanks for understanding and your cooperation.


No video showing #4 (UPDATE – sticky)

ObsCure | 3 Comments