My Cute Cousin/Roommate #12

So, My Cute Cousin has had a big makeover!
Apparently Patreon is being a little bitch about the incest theme. So the game is now called My Cute Roommate. And the story is that you and the girl are childhood friends, or something like that.
She sees you as a little brother bla bla bla…

Anyhoe, story wise we’ve got just a little update but it’s a good one as you will see in the video.
The video begins with us blackmailing Monique’s director with some photos. If you’re wondering what photos, well we took some pictures of Dick fucking the Director. Remember? You can see that in part 9 of the series.

It’s more technical what the update is about. Interface had a big update.

For more info about the game, screenshots and FREE download click here!
