Milfy City update


Almost every week we get messages, PM’s and even emails with questions about when we will post the next Milfy City video. Well since we’re not the developers of the game we can’t give you a specific answer. We have to wait for the game to update.
A few weeks ago we got the info that the next update would probably be in March. This info changed this week. It seems that we have to be more patient.
ICSTOR, the developer, came with the following statement:

Hi everyone, it’s about damn time I gave you all an update. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been having a few problems in my personal life which have taken a toll on my health. It’s now been more than FOUR full years that I’ve been developing adult games without taking a vacation. (Not even once!)
I’m completely broken and exhausted, so I need a break to recover. I’ll be taking a month or two away from developing to get my health back on track. I really am sorry to each and every one of you who believed in me – I pushed myself too hard.
I don’t want to put out shitty updates with no actual passion behind them. In fact, the reason I started making games was for the love of it, they might not have been perfect, but I always gave those games the best of my ability at the time.

I know that many of you really like the characters I have created. I promise that I’ll finish every single one’s story.
The current progress of the next version is 60% because I predominantly worked on Caroline. There’s are about 600 renders with her. Some of them were really hard to make, but also very very sexy. The longest scenes are done.
Thank you again for your continued support, I really appreciate it. I’ll be back in good health and working at full speed come May/June.

So yeah… Be patient my friend, It will come… eventually…


Milfy City update

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