League of Maidens

League of Maidens “quick look”. League of Maidens is like DOAX:VV & Action Taimanin, a “free to play”, action rpg, gacha-game. It is, as far as I know, the only game that has actual nude girls….after a pay wall. League of Maidens is made by three guys and is in development since 2016.
And what can I say about this one. Well I might be a bit premature, because I only played the game for a couple of days now. But I don’t know guys. The game does quite some things good, but there a lot of things I don’t like either. Not looking at my girl in the video (I didn’t customize much), the game has some nice looking ladies. And the customize options are excellent. You can change everything on the girls bodies.

I got the full monty. The game, plus the payed “Ultimate edition” DLC, plus Maiden+ (nude mod). So you have to pay $10 for maiden+, via Patreon. And look at that list (image 1) of all the goodies you get! Yeah, besides the nude showering and nude customization (only available in the shower?!?!?), I’m not feeling it. And I’m not convinced to keep paying $10 every month for nude showering and some extra’s. Why the hell isn’t the “Nude Cheat Code Pack” included in this? And/or some nice(!) outfitS! I was so surprised by that.

Image 1

Image 1

The game is free! But if you want something nice, like a costume, a new weapon, etc. open up your wallet, because you need to pay. For everything…. as always with these games.
League of Maidens is getting a lot of negative reviews on steam. I’m not sure if that is fair. The game is still in “open alpha”, so there’s still a lot that needs to be done.
On the other hand, I do understand a lot of things that’s being said in the reviews:

If you have been following the reviews there is a very common theme: Too much of a pay wall. When more than half the content is pay locked few people are going to stick around. I am willing to pay $10 a month but not willing to pay that AND have to buy most cosmetic options. Hopefully the rather shameless cash grab is just to get this off the ground and we will see a vast increase in free options. I doubt that will improve in Alpha but perhaps in Beta we will see things move in this direction.

As said guys, I haven’t spent that many hours yet in League of Maidens, but so far it hasn’t won me over yet. The game does look good (but is asks a LOT of your PC! Keep an eye on your GPU!) Paying every month for the nude mod? I’m not sure. I’m sure the game has lots more to offer then what I’ve seen so far, but I don’t know if I will ever get that far.
If I had to choose between DOAX:VV, Action Taimanin and League of Maidens? DOAX:VV wins. I have spent almost no money on DOAX:VV and still have a ton of outfits and more.
I think I will terminate my subscription to Maiden+ soon, but I will keep an eye on the game. Who knows what the future of League of Maidens will bring…

In the video I’ll show you the Maiden+ showering option. Some customization, we do a few missions, show you the store and more.
