Holiday Island #14

Holiday Island part 14

No, we’re not dead. Just a little break.

So I’ve been playing Holiday Island… A LOT! Yeah, the game got me quite addicted. You set your mind to get a specific scene or event with a girl, and while you try to get there all kind of things happen with all the girls. So you keep playing and yeah, that’s what me got a little addicted to the game. I recorded a lot, so I hope you guys like the game because you’ll be getting a lot more HI these coming days!!

But still there’s a lot that you will not see in the videos.
And that’s because a lot of (little) scenes with the girls, really leads to nothing. Maybe a little teasing but that’s it. A lot of scenes with the girls are the same. So if you’ve seen it with one girl, you’ve basically seen it with all. And then there are scenes you have to do multiple times to finally score with the girl. For example, there is a scene where one of the girls will come to your room to pole dance for you. Of course things get pretty steamy and we get really horny. But the girl will not have sex with us! Nope, we have to do the scene again! And then and only then she will have sex with us.
Add to this that all these scenes have specific conditions to trigger. Love, lust, affection, endurance, favor, anger, and more, are all qualities of the ladies that must meet certain conditions. And even if you meet all these conditions, there’s still the factor of luck that the scene triggers! Most scenes have a 50% chance to trigger, but there are scenes that only have a 20% chance…
So you understand that time flies when you play Holiday Island! And as said you really have te get lucky with certain scenes. It’s a lot of trial and error, a lot of save and reload and try again. That while other scenes you already got, keep triggering. 😖😫😩

Anyhoe, lots and lots of Holiday Island coming your way. I hope you’ll enjoy. It’s a great game, I really love it. Almost all of the ladies look amazing and I like all the things you can do on the island.

The slideshows at the end of the videos will contain images of boring scenes I don’t put in the main video, sexting images that the girls send us (these also include pictures of stories that the girls tell us. Stories about their youth and what they did before coming to the island.), fan art and more!!
