Holiday Island #1
So what you need to know!
First of al, thanks to everyone who voted at our previous video!!
Okay, so, since our last video of Holiday Island, the game got even BIGGER! There is so incredibly much content!
Holiday Island is one big open game. The game does not really have a story, it is more a fun fair with all the incredible rides.
Our goal is to get all the video and scenes (see image >>>) with all our favorite girls. Many times you get multiple options with a girl, so that means: saving and reloading, going back and forth to get all outcomes. You can imagine: that is a bitch to edit! Yes it is and that’s why we’re not doing it. It’s to much work and takes to much time.
So you are getting our raw recordings, the videos are (for most part) not edited.
Yes we cheat!
We have a modded version of the game to speed things up a bit. All the girls have a couple of stats. The higher the stats, the more (sex)scenes you’ll get with them.
Well, if you don’t mind, we’re pumping their stats right up!
As we said earlier, to get the girls to like you, you have to talk to them… a lot! We have seen these conversations several times now and we’re getting pretty bored with them. Most of the time they are the same, with every girl.
In addition, you are not here to watch us have a nice chit-chat with the girls, are you? So we’re skipping through them. We will show conversations in “special scenes”, of course.
Well I guess that’s it. We hope you enjoy the videos and if you have any request (which girl to choose for instance*), questions or other demands or comments. Leave a reply in the comments below!
Thank you and enjoy! Oh, more videos coming soon!!
* Yes of course, we have favorite girls too! We’re going after them as soon as possible. Yvette is one of them… Hmmm ♥ Yvette…