Flirty F #4
Story arc with Julia is done for now, so we continue with Christine. However, we do not finish her story yet and here is why…
The video you’re about to watch above is still version 0.1.5 and not 0.1.6.
Because the new version is a mess! First of al: Hello bug-city! Scene’s that should trigger don’t, and more.
Some animations in the game are on steroids, they go so fast, only watching it makes my dick hurt! I’m amazed no fire is coming of it!
But the biggest thing are the graphics.
In the update notes we read: “Most images are back into good quality”. Well, that’s just not true. The game looks terrible!
It is as if the creator was in a rush, or just had no patience to complete the renders.
You may not see it well in this image above, but trust me if I say that the .6 version really is uglier. There’s a weird and ugly grain over the images and many of them look to crisp (if that’s even possible). It’s just not pretty.
So what now?
I’m not sure. In above video we play 0.1.5 version to the end. And that does not complete Christine’s story, we need version .6 for that.
So we can wait for 0.1.6b or 0.1.7 and hope things get better. Or we do play this version, and finish Christine’s story and try to make the best of it. But know that, that may not be a pretty video…
Anyhoo, here are some screens from above video.