Evenicle all CG’s
Evenicle is a 3D adventure Eroge RPG released in 2015 by Alicesoft. It was the best received non-Rance Alicesoft title released since Daiakuji in 2008. It is also notable for being drawn by Nan Yaegashi, the character designer of Senran Kagura. Recently finally the English version was released.
Evenicle is a big and looooooooooong game. So for you to complete and unlock everything, and get all the naughty bits is going to cost you a lot of time!
Luckily ObsCure is here! In this video we’re showing you all of the naughty CG’s. It’s like Mr. Skin says: “Fast Forward to the Good Parts”
If you want to experience all these scenes with the accompanying story, text and moans of the ladies, you’ll have to play the game yourself. This can be done by downloading it here. See, we’re nice…
Evenicle is set in a world created by the Holy Mother Eve. The world of Eve is governed by commandments which are enforced by the world. Breaking these commandments results in a permanent curse to become an outlaw, rejected by the world and by society.
One of these commandments is one of of commitment to one and only one partner. However there are people who are allowed more than one partner, Knights, sworn to protect humanity from monsters and outlaws, are permitted multiple partners in order to ensure that humanities blessed pass their blood to the next generation.
On a small fishing village, a young man named Asterisk lives with his twin elder sister Kinou and Kyou. Asterisk loves his sisters and they love him but unfortunately he can not choose between then.
And so he travels into the world in order to become a knight…