Dark Siren – All Endings

Dark Siren. All endings, all costumes.

Normal ending, true ending & extra ending.

“It’s strange. According to the schedule, we should have already arrived at our destination…”
“God, watch over us.”

As you wake up, you can see the Dark Siren wandering around inside the empty ship looking for you.
What the hell happened here?

Sirens were once dangerous beings who lured sailors into the sea. Now, through a pact with humans, they have disappeared into the depths of the deep sea.
The “Dark Siren” who rejected the agreement remained at sea and became an even greater danger.

Now they do not lure sailors into the sea, they sink the entire ship!

Be careful not to be captured by the Dark Siren, find the note left by the sailors, uncover the truth, and escape.


Category: Dark Siren