Cockwork Industries
Forget the game, let’s skip to the good parts!
Cockwork Industries is an erotic adventure game where you play as Dwayne, winner of the Willy Wanker’s Golden Ticket, invited to attend the mysterious event that’s about to take place in the infamous science facility – Cockwork Industries.
Learn the mysteries of Cockwork Industries and romance its steaming-hot employees in this thrilling tale of sex, science, deception and panda plushies!
Cockwork Industries is a true game, not just an excuse to watch hot, naked girls go at it. We want to offer you a fun and engaging experience with an adult theme that keeps you coming back.
The game offers varying gameplay paths with multiple endings based on the romance options you choose to pursue.
Cockwork Industries is a beautiful looking game with beautiful models and great renderings, unfortunately that’s for most players the only good thing about it.
The game has issues and the developers made some choices most players will not like.
For starters saving. You can only save the game once per chapter and it has to be done at a specific point. There is no menu to save, the only thing you find in the menu is “quit game”.
So if you think about saving the game before every big decision, you’re shit out of luck!
The sex scenes are games too, yes you read it correctly, we have to click our way through a sex scene like we did with the old flash games a decade ago.
It’s the first release from Digital Seductions, the first version of the game so yeah there are bugs. We mostly had problems with loading a save game. Everytime I clicked “continue” in the main menu, the screen turned black and… that was it.
The game has multiple endings, because of course you can’t get every girl in one go. And here comes the next problem with the game. Everytime you finish the game, you’ll get a reward. Of course you’ll get the (clean) sex scenes from the girl(s) you had sex with, but the way you get these are ridiculous. You will get a QR code to scan… this will lead you to their site where you can watch the scenes. Very, VERY tedious.
Multiple mini games are in the game, but for some of them it’s hard to understand what needs to be done. The game explains this poorly. Especially the first time you play a sex scene. I had no clue what to do and if what I did was correct.
So yeah, Cockwork Industries. A beautiful game but the developers have some things to learn. Clicking your way to a sex scene is not what we want to see today gentlemen.
In the video above we give you all the good parts from the game: all sex scenes and stuff. If you don’t want the spoilers and try the game for yourself, go nuts: here.