Chasing Sunsets Ch.9

Chasing Sunsets ENDing?

Chasing Sunsets Chapter 9: Paths Less Traveled.

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Many players (including us) were quite confused after playing this chapter of Chasing Sunsets. Because if you see the last scene (before the credits) of this video, you would think that this is the end. But also the way Stone Fox Studios released this chapter, it seemed like it was the last.
If this would be the end, it would be a pretty lame end!
Fortunately, Stone Fox has announced that this is not the last chapter and that there will be an epilogue/chapter 10. Quite soon too, by the way.
And I’m not completely sure, but there could be even more after that. But that was all still a bit unclear.

But we do need to talk about the ending of this video! And because we’re going into full spoiler mode, I’ll hide it under the button below. Watch the video first before you read that!

As you have seen, we ended with Mallory and Jaye entering the bar. There are four ways this scene can end: None of the ladies enter, only Mallory enters, only Jaye enters or both ladies enter.
In my initial playthrough, only Jaye entered. And that frustrated the hell out of me. I was certain I picked all the right choices to end up with both girls. Not only this chapter, but for the complete playthrough. But no matter what choices I made in this chapter, I couldn’t get both ladies. So of course (as always, as you know) we cheated our ass of!
Apparently there are a few little traps, in the choices you make throughout the entire playthrough, that can cause you to lose Mallory.

So again, many players were like WTF? And here comes Stone Fox again with a very vague message that things can still change in the coming chapter… 🤯
So we’ll just have to see how that goes. Maybe we did have to end up with just Jaye…? We’ll see.
