AT – A Golden Opportunity
Action Taimanin – chapter 19: A Golden Opportunity (naughty version)
It’s been a while since we did a video of AT, so I thought it was about time to do one again.
So apparently uploading a video of Action Taimanin (and Senran Kagura) on the Tube, is certain to receive an age restriction. No matter what. I’ve uploaded a video with only the gameplay you see in this video, with and without the images of the Taimanin & supporters. But it doesn’t matter, both got an age gate. And I can’t get it removed.
Anyhoe, we spiced things up for the video here on the site. We start with some images from the girls as you will NOT see them in the game…
And we end the video with a spicy scene with Annerose.
Further featuring in this video: Uehara Rin, Ingrid, Igawa Asagi, Rinko, Emily, Oboro, Kurenai, Astaroth, Sora, Annerose and Edwin Black.