Agony playthrough #2

Let’s give this another go…

Agony is a first-person, survival horror set in hell. You will begin your journey as a tormented soul within the depths of hell without any memories about your past. The special ability to control people on your path, and possess demons, gives you the measures to survive.

So lets talk about Agony, shall we?! The game had a rough start. The game was unplayable due to technical defects. With that came that many people who supported the game on Kickstarter did not receive their code for the game, while the game was already completely on youtube and twitch. So, many… Many angry people. Many MANY negative comments on twitter and steam.

So, we are a few days later, we had our first patch and the game is…. playable? Well, more playable than before, let’s keep it at that. We are playing the game on Xbox One and as you can see in the video, the game still has issues. Especially with sound and characters you encounter.

I’m not really sure what to think about the game yet. The environment is fantastic but also a torment. Most of the time I have know idea what the fuck I’m doing, were to go or what to do. I pick up things, but have no clue what to do with it. The game doesn’t really tell you much either. But I’ve just started, so maybe that will happen soon.
I had high expectations for this game, but so far (as I am now) it has not made up to it. We’ll see…


Category: Agony