Drakengard 3 – Chapter 1: The Land of Seas (Five)
Drakengard 3 – Chapter 1: The Land of Seas – Sister Five
Art by: Yongtong Li
Five is extremely confident and greedy, she desires all that she sees, but quickly loses interest once she gets it.
A prequel to the original Drakengard, Drakengard 3 transports players to a medieval world where six sisters wield special magical abilities as the ‘Intoners.’ These sisters have brought peace to the earth with their power to manipulate magic through song. Harmony is disrupted, however, when the eldest sister, Zero, attempts to murder her younger sisters with the help of her dragon companion, Mikhail. As the story progresses, players find themselves in a battle to unravel the mystery of Zero and learn her true intentions.
#drakengard3 #zero #nier