Our RE7 playthrough update


Finally, finally our Resident Evil 7 playthrough is back online.

“What the hell are you talking about?” yeah, okay. Check this if you want to fully understand.
It took some time and quite a lot of work to get the whole playthrough back online. BUT…
We are big fans of the RE series and so we have completely finished part 7. That is, we have the platinum trophy of the game. That meant multiple playthroughs, including on the hardest difficulty level. We did record the run on Madhouse difficulty, but that recording is unfortunately lost. That’s not all…
We also lost our recordings from the “Not a Hero” & “End of Zoe” DLC. We’re not a big fan of the Not a Hero DLC, so we probably will not record that again. End of Zoe however… not for now, but maybe in the near future… Turns out our “End of Zoe” playthrough was still on Twitch!

So what do we have here:

  • Complete playthrough from “Beginning Hour” (that’s the demo) (including: Infected & True Ending + Blank Notebook and the Coin).
  • Full playthrough of the main game on normal difficulty, with both endings.
  • End of Zoe DLC full playthrough.
  • Trailers, easter eggs, behind the scenes docu’s and more.
  • Resource Manager & Walk it Off playthrough – This was our final playthrough of the game to receive the platinum trophy. We needed two trophy’s to get that. And to do that we needed to “Complete the game using only 3 First Aid Meds or less” and “Complete the game without opening the Item Box more than 3 times”.
  • The two “Banned Footage” DLC’s

That’s it for Resident Evil 7 for now. Now we focus on Resident Evil 2 Remake! Check all our RE7 video HERE!! (I’m sending you to part 1 of our main game playthrough)


Our RE7 playthrough update

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