Let the movies make the final countdown. Happy New Year 2018 everyone!
Movie list:
Return of the Jedi
Star Trek II : Wrath of Khan
59 In Time
58 Tomorrowland
57 Intolerable Cruelty
56 Tron
55 Steve Jobs
54 Taxi Driver
53 JFK
52 Shutter Island
51 Da Vinci Code
50 The Dark Knight
49 Baby Boss
48 Bridesmaids
47 Gangs of New York
46 Rain Man
45 La La Land
44 Head of State
43 Borat
42 Die Hard with a Vengeance
41 Allied
40 Skyfall
39 Milk
38 Thelma & Louise
37 The Hateful 8
36 When Harry met Sally
35 Adams Family
34 Sex and the City
33 The Big Short
32 Interstellar
31 Million Dollar Baby
30 Stepbrothers
29 Hot Fuzz
28 The Color of Money
27 Passenger 57
26 Amadeus
25 Jaws
24 The Aviator
23 Minority Report
22 Cast Away
21 Superman
20 From Dusk till Dawn
19 Jurassic World
18 Captain America Civil War
17 Pulp Fiction
16 Alien Resurrection
15 Whiplash
14 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
13 Kindergarten Cop
12 The Lobster
11 Captain America Civil War
10 Batman
9 Inglourious Basterds
8 Remember the Titans
7 Back to the Future III
6 Blade Runner
5 Groundhog Day
4 Captain America Civil War
3 The Empire Strikes Back
2 X-Men First Class
1 Die Hard
Iron Man 3