Wars and Roses all Sex scenes

Wars and Roses all Sex scenes, well all available sex scenes…

Okay, let’s get one thing out of the way immediately: The game sucks! And if you don’t take my word for it, check this video review by GmanLives to tell you more.
But hey, there are nude girls in it and we do a little fiddling with them, so of course we had to check it out.
We probably come back to this, just like Subverse, because the game is far from finished and we can’t fiddle with all the girls… yet.
The game does feature audio, but I chose to mute it. The music is, well okay I guess? And the girls do the generic moaning during the actual sex acts, but I chose to mute it because you also hear the very annoying loud clicks when I change the camera angle.

war3.jpg war4.jpg war5.jpg war6.jpg
