Romance After Dark

Romance After Dark CG rip (Lesson of Passion)

We’re mr. Skinning this one again guys. Because, while the game has great renders and there’s probably a fun story in there, the game plays/runs like crap! It freezes constantly, so you have to do a hard reset and start again. And there are ten different (well…) endings, so sorry, but I couldn’t be bothered to play the whole thing. Lets just rip the images!
If you do want to experience the whole thing, go nuts here.

LoP has some great artist, who create stunning renders, but my God get some decent programmers man! They always do this and I don’t understand why, its so damn annoying.
The game has no options, the only settings you get are sound volume and full screen or not. And if you want to play the game in window mode, yeah… good luck with that! The game opens in a gigantic window and you can’t change it size!
The “game” is created/published in Unity, and these are all basic settings you can turn on. But LoP refuses to give you these options.
Oh and while you’re at it, get some decent animators too, because the animations suck!

Welcome to our noir blend of visual novel and adventure game!
In this story, you’ll play as Trevor,
a once successful private investigator whose wretched life you’ll try to put back on the right track.
Use your detective hunches and interact with characters and objects,
all the while making crucial choices that will lead you to one of ten endings.
