OC SPECIAL: Busted 2

ObsCure Special: Busted 2: Business Expenses

We’ve got something really special here guys, read on!

A couple of weeks ago, Sneaky Bastard released a follow up on Busted, with the gorgeous Lana. Only, he released it as a comic. Now, we don’t want to show you just some still images with text balloons on it. Lana deserves better! Because Lana is one fucking hot piece of ass! I hope Sneaky will do much more with Lana, because, damn!
So we wanted to do something special. I decided to learn, and make a renpy version, just for you guys. That’s how committed we are…😉😂.
Sneaky renpyfied previous episode himself.
Pro’s: I can alternate some lines here and there, that I don’t like. And we can admire Lana in her full glory!
Con’s: It’s a shitload of fucking work!!!
So NO! We’re not doing this to every comic we’re getting our hands on!*
Clean + bonus slides after the story. Enjoy!

*(that’s a lie, we probably do it again in the future… any requests?)
