Twitch streamer The Happy Hob beat all three Dark Souls games back-to-back without taking a single hit. Starting with Dark Souls 3, he continued with Dark Souls 2 and eventually ended on Dark Souls 1. This run was finally done on March 9th 2018 after more than a year of trying.
This video is the complete run, originally streamed on Twitch.
For this challenge you have to beat all three Dark Souls games without taking a single hit from an enemy.
The rules for the run are as follows:
- You can’t die
- You can’t be hit by any enemy
- You can’t be hit by any boss
- You can’t be hit by objects causing damage (like arrows in Sen’s Fortress)
- Magic is not allowed (no spells, buffs or magic attacks)
- Blocking hits with a shield is not allowed (as it counts as a hit), parrying is allowed
- Taking fall damage is allowed, so falling off cliffs or stairs is okay, dying because of the fall is not
- Taking poison damage from the environment is allowed (Swamp or Blighttown)
- After filling up the meter, getting frostbitten counts as a hit
- Reducing your health bar because of the jailers in Irithyll Dungeon In DS3 counts as a hit
- Getting staggered by an enemy or boss counts as a hit
- To follow the story and gameplay, the scripted ‘death’ at Seath in The Archives is allowed.
Jump directly to the boss fights with these times below:
Dark Souls III
Iudex Gundyr: 01:42
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 06:35
Abyss Watchers: 32:16
High Lord Wolnir: 51:44
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 55:45
Dragonslayer Armour: 1:08:13
Crystal Sage: 1:13:07
Deacons of the Deep: 1:21:23
Yhorm the Giant: 1:44:54
Pontiff Sulyvahn: 1:52:39
Aldrich, Devourer of Gods: 2:22:06
Twin Princes: 2:46:11
Soul of Cinder: 2:52:06
Dark Souls II
Start of the game: 2:59:42
Dragonrider: 3:15:43
The Last Giant: 3:26:03
The Pursuer: 3:30:15
Scorpioness Najka: 3:50:00
Congregation: 3:53:42
Flexile Sentry: 4:04:42
The Rotten (4x): 4:19:05
Dragonriders: 4:51:17
Looking Glass Knight: 4:59:16
Demon of Song: 5:12:18
Velstadt, the Royal Aegis: 5:22:37
Guardian Dragon: 5:28:56
Giant Lord: 5:42:49
Throne Watcher and Defender: 5:52:57
Nashandra: 6:04:04
Dark Souls
Start of the game: 6:13:46
Asylum Demon: 6:16:45
Quelaag: 6:35:58
Ceaseless Discharge: 6:40:16
Bell Gargoyles: 6:50:59
Iron Golum: 7:21:20
Ornstein & Smough: 7:53:34
Pinwheel: 8:13:39
Gravelord Nito: 8:24:40
Sif: 8:34:01
Seath: 9:06:22
Bed of Chaos: 9:28:10
Four Kings: 9:54:15
Gwyn, Lord of Cynder: 10:06:34