Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal first promotion video

While we are in the middle of SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash (and a little Estival Versus), Marvelous and Honey Parade Games are already busy with the Senran Kagura game.
Well actually its a remake of the 3DS title, Senran Kagura Burst: Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal. And we’ve got some videos of it.

Enjoy two stories from the perspectives of both the “Good Shinobi” and “Bad Shinobi” living in the shadows.

  • The story of the first game, Senran Kagura: Shoujo-tachi no Shin’ei (it is recommended first-time Senran Kagura players start here)
  • The story of the second game, Senran Kagura Burst: Guren no Shoujo-tachi

Shinobi Room

The “Shinobi Room” is the base of the girls’ activities, where you can undertake “Shinobi Missions,” change the player character, and change costumes in the “Dressing Room.”

Shinobi Missions

The shinobi girls can undertake various Shinobi Missions, which completing will progress the story. Develop your character through battles in order to take on even more difficult Shinobi Missions.

During a Shinobi Mission, the story progresses in three parts:

The novel part

The novel part

The adventure part

The adventure part

and the action part

and the action part

Users can also enjoy beautiful event CG’s during novel parts.

Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 22, 2018.


Category: Senran Kagura